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Scholastic Book Orders


Your child will be bringing home Scholastic book order forms to order 

books about once a month. If you wish to order, simply fill out the form 

and send a check payable to Scholastic Books in an envelope labeled with 

your child’s name or order online. 


To order online click on the Scholastic Reading Counts Link

Then select the orange column that asks parents to connect to their teacher.  

Our class activation code is H44KR.



These orders are provided as a convenient way for parents to buy quality books for their child at a low price. As an added bonus, for every dollar that is spent on books, I earn bonus points which are used to purchase books for classroom use. This is a win-win situation because you get quality literature at a low price and you are helping to provide quality literature for the classroom. Of course, you are never under any obligation to order. 

Our class will receive the $1 book each month.  Thank you to community members for donating funds to purchase the books. 

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