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Smartboard and Computer Lab Use

Our classroom has a Smartboard mounted in the front of the room. We will use it throughout our school day in many different ways. It is interactive so the students can touch and move things during different activities. We can also reflect our iPads up onto the smartboard for student and teacher use.  Students love to use the reflector to show projects they have created on the iPad for the whole class to view!


Grades K-2 will have access to our SN computer lab. We will be visiting the lab a few times each week. Students will have a username and password to log in and save projects that they create on the computers. This year the lab will be available more often since grades 3-5 will each have their own individual laptops!

iPAD Use

Our classroom will have 20 iPads. Students will be 1:1 with a device like grades 3+. We have access to SO many different apps that will be used throughout our school days for many subjects. The students will be responsible for taking care of the devices. The iPads are a priviledge for the students. Students that abuse their time on the iPads will lose their priviledges to work within the educational apps throughout the day.

Top Student iPad Use

Students LOVE:

* Reading Eggs/Reading Eggspress

* Kahoot

* Xtra Math

*Raz Kids

* Math Ninja

* MyOn Reading

* Educreations

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